behavioranalysishistory / Instructions for using the Who_Template
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Instructions for using the Who_Template

Step 1: Login and create a page.

  1. Login at the top right.
  2. Click on the "Create a page" link at the top of the list of links on the right side of the screen.




Step 2: Name and Organize your page 




  1. Use the above convention when naming your page: LastName_FIMI
    1. For example, John H. Smith would have a page named: Smith_JH
  2. Use the drop-down arrow to place the page within the "Who" folder.
  3. Select the radial button next to "Use a template"
  4. Use that drop-down menu to select the Who_Template
  5. Click on the button that says "Create Page". 


Step 3: Change the name and save.

  1. Replace "FirstName MI. LastName" underneath the format tool bar in the editing screen with the name of the person for which you are making a page.
    1. For example, John H. Smith would be John H. Smith
  2. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.