New Zealand
- Arnold-Saritepe, Angela (PhD, BCBA University of Auckland, 2000), University of Auckland. MR/DDs, especially early intervention and education.
- Blampied, Neville (Ph.D. ), University of Canterbury. Applied behaviour analysis, behavioural health applications, family and community behavioural interventions.
- Church, John (Ph.D. ), University of Canterbury. Applied behavior analysis, acquisition processes in education settings
- Davison, Michael (Ph.D. Otago), University of Auckland. Choice and the quantitative analysis of behavior, behavioral neuroscience
- Elliffe, Douglas (Ph.D. Auckland), University of Auckland. Stimulus control, quantitative analysis of behavior
- France, Karyn (PhD ), University of Canterbury. Clinical-developmental psychology, family and child psychopathology, pediatric sleep.
- Grace, Randolph (PhD ), University of Canturbury. Choice and decision-making, animal learning and behaviour, quantitative methods, history and theory.
- Liberty, Kathleen (PhD ), University of Canterbury. Applied behaviour analysis, disabilities and generalization.
- McEwan, James (Ph.D. University of Waikato), University of Waikato. Behavioral perception, discrimination, verbal behavior, philosophy of behaviorism, exerimental and applied analysis of behaviour
- McLean, Anthony (Ph.D. ), University of Canterbury. Experimental analysis of behavior, choice and behavioral momentum, animal psychophysics and memory.
- Messick, Eric (Masters WVU), University of Waikato. Experimental and applied analysis of behaviour.
- Mudford, Oliver (PhD, BCBA University of Auckland, 1991), University of Auckland. Adults and children with severe and profound disabilities. Children with autism. Problem behaviours. Measurement of behaviours. Professional development of behaviour analytic practitioners.
- Rose, Dennis (PhD University of Canterbury, New Zealand), University of Auckland. Applications of behavior analysis in education.
- Sumpter, Catherine (Ph.D. University of Waikato), University of Waikato. Animal welfare, experimental analysis of behavior, philosophy of behaviorism. applied behaviour analysis
- Temple, William (Ph.D. University of Auckland), University of Waikato. Animal welfare, animal learning, experimental analysis of behavior.
University Courses
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
MA, MSc in Psychology or Education
Ph.D. in Psychology or Education
University of Waikato
Hamilton, New Zealand
Ph.D. in EAB or ABA MAppPsy (Behavior Analysis) PGDipPracPsych (Applied Behaviour Analysis)
University of Auckland
Auckland, , New Zealand
BA, BSc, BA(Hons), BSc (Hons) in Psychology PhD in Psychology MA, MSc in Psychology
New Zealand
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