behavioranalysishistory / Creating and uploading audio - PC
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Creating and uploading audio - PC

The following is a brief tutorial on how to record your own interviews or stories and upload them to the history wiki.


Step 1: Insert a microphone into your desktop or laptop computer.














Step 2: Click on the start button in the bottom left hand corner of your desktop.




Step 3: Click on "All Programs"  ---> "Accessories" ---> "Sound Recorder"




Step 4:  Click on "Start Recording" when you are ready to begin recording. Make sure that you have secured a quiet location to create your recording.



Step 5: Click on "Stop Recording" when you are done recording.



Step 6: When prompted, select your desktop as the location that you are going to save the audio file to. Next, name your file appropriately. Please use the following template to name your file: "Topic" + "Speaker" + "Date". Finally, click the save button.




Step 7: Upload the file to the Wiki by clicking the "upload" link in the upper left hand side of the PB Works page.


Step 8: When the upload page loads, select the "Sound File" folder to place the sound file in. Then, click the "Upload files" link at the top of the page.



Step 9: When prompted, click the "Browse" button and locate the audio file on your desktop. Once you have and found and selected your audio file, click open to upload the file.



Step 10: Congratulations! You have just created and uploaded an audio file to the Behavior Analysis History Wiki!