Killeen, Peter R


(birth - death)


Primary Areas of Study



Faculty Page


Selected Papers


Selected Books



SQAB Tutorial - Timing (Parsing Sagely Rosemary's Time) 

[video #33. Free full resolution video uploaded in SQAB ITunes Channel. To see the Tutorial in full resolution you need ITunes in the PC]


SQAB Tutorial - Analyses of Response Times, IRTs, Rts, and ts 

[video #34. Free full resolution video uploaded in SQAB ITunes Channel. To see the Tutorial in full resolution you need ITunes in the PC]


SQAB Tutorial - The Law of Affect 

[video #35. Free full resolution video uploaded in SQAB ITunes Channel. To see the Tutorial in full resolution you need ITunes in the PC]


SQAB Tutorial - The St. Petersburg Paradox at 300: Roots, Ramifications and Resolutions 

[video #36. Free full resolution video uploaded in SQAB ITunes Channel. To see the Tutorial in full resolution you need ITunes in the PC]



Youtube Lectures


An Interview with Peter Killeen




Intellectual Ancestry


Additional Information

PhD Harvard University 1969